
Blogger Guiders

Thursday 22 December 2016

Childcare in Winters

When mercury goes down it's the time to pay extra attention to the care of children. As winters are disease prone season we need to be aware of every single sneeze of our children. Cold, cough, and influenza are most widely spread diseases in this span of the year. So we, as parents, need more efforts to keep them warm all the time, because children don't be able to recognize when they got cold and its consequences.

General Precautionary measures
Parents should take care of it that children should not play alone in the open area. There should be a strict supervision is mandatory, especially for the age group till 7-8 years.
Try to escape heavy food in dinner especially.
Apply moisturizer and sunscreen when needed.

As soon as the season of cold is started children should get covered by all ways. Put as many layers on the body, to keep them more warm. Head, hands, and legs should also care. While sports they should wear proper thickness layers also.

Food Habits
Winters presents us a variety of fruits, vegetables, & drinks. Children should take all of them with a limited quantity. They should prohibit the charm of junk food. Fibers and proteins should be balanced in all the meals. Dry fruits and seasonal fruits should be taken but distantly. Green vegetables enhance the nourishing value of the foods. Different kind of soups maintains the interest in diets.

Drinking Water habits
Winters is dry by nature, so we need to remain properly hydrated to avoid chapped skin and upset tummies. Also, we should take care of the temperature of the drinking water.

Bathing habits
Most of the children having the tendency to take bath more and more with warm water, but unknowingly they invite the skin problems and more chances to get cold by this. The hot water eradicates the body moister which leads to itching. Here also, we should take care of the temperature of water.

Body Massage
A very useful habit for the human body, but become more important in winters. Children should take it before every bath so that the blood circulation & their body moisture should remain intact. Coconut oil or Olive oil could be the best option because it pertains fatty acids and Vitamin E, for the nourishment and glowing skin. 

Heating Appliances
Parents should remain on extra alert while using the heating appliances inside their homes, during winters. They could be dangerous for even the life of your loving ones. These are kept out of the reach of your children. Also provide clear instructions to your children not to use them and maintain distance from them.

Winter sports
Keep away your children from some of the sports like swimming, during winters. In some part of the world, where snow all around during winters, sports like skiing, snowball, ice skating, are to be played. For it, parents should be aware of the problems and mishappening causing activities due to these sports, so that they can make their child to avoid such activities, and stay safe.

In the end, we would suggest parents be more provocative about the health of their children. Encourage your children for daily workouts with some outdoor activities too. As by these physical activities the immunity of your children will be enhanced. And he/she will perform better in his / her life and enjoy life with better prospects.


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